SmokeFree Pennsylvania presents
SmokeFree Restaurants of
Southwestern Pennsylvania
(the original online resource for smokefree dining in Pennsylvania)
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February 2005
Smokefree Bars – see the main “Listings” page for locations in southwestern Pennsylvania.
“Welcome to Norway. The only thing we smoke here is salmon.” – Norwegian government poster to announce the new smokefree workplace law, which includes restaurants and bars.
All workplaces in the following countries, including restaurants and pubs, are now smokefree: Bhutan, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway and Uganda. Sweden goes smokefree in June 2005. Scotland and England (exempting some pubs) plan to phase in smokefree regulations over the next few years.
“Your right to smoke stops at my lungs.” – John Auerbach, Boston Health Commissioner
“Every employer in Britain should know by now that secondhand smoke is dangerous to the health of their employees. There is no moral excuse – and we believe no legal defence – for continuing to expose employees to such an unnecessary health and safety risk.” – Deborah Arnott, Director of ASH (Action on Smoking & Health) London
Read the op-ed on smokefree workplaces published in the April 3rd Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Pittsburgh Business Times editorial supports smokefree restaurants. Tribune-Review articles: 1) Smokefree restaurants & bars and 2) Law limits local smoking bans.
Related Links:
PA Dining Guide – a new site that covers all Pennsylvania counties.
Smoke Free City – an excellent site with maps to local restaurants.
Tobacco Scam – how the tobacco cartel creates unfounded fear of smokefree policies. Coalition For A Tobacco Free Pennsylvania Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Montgomery County Chester County Smokefree Restaurants. SmokeFreeWorld – fairly good site, but it has several errors – please call ahead to verify smokefree status. Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights – a comprehensive site for smokefree advocacy. Clean Air Council – an environmental organization dedicated to protecting everyone’s right to breathe clean air. PTPC – the PA Tobacco Prevention Clearinghouse, a project of the PA Dept of Health. Pennsylvania Alliance to Control Tobacco – PACT.
Shards O’Glass Freeze Pops – an insightful parody of the tobacco cartel. Musician Against Smoke Filled Atmospheres –
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The previous version of this page on Three Rivers Free Net (TRFN) had over 5000 hits from June 1999 to July 2001. Many thanks to TRFN for their production help and web hosting.
Send feedback and restaurant suggestions to Greg Hartley.